Netflix add new lock feature to protect your profile with PIN-Protection: 6 easy steps to enable it

Netflix introduce a new feature wherein the users can set a PIN specific to their profiles. Netflix new feature comes as part of a wider update on improved parental controls. Want to let your kids poke around Netflix without them wandering their way beyond the kids section? Got a roommate who keeps inexplicably forgetting to... Continue Reading →

Amazon’s Alexa can now answer question about Covid-19

Amazon's Alexa, can now answer your question about Coronavirus (Covid-19). You can ask the assistant what you should do if you suspect that you’re showing symptoms of the disease. Alexa will respond with responses from sources such as ICMR and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) in India. For American users, it will... Continue Reading →

Its #World Health Day

The tagline of World Health Day is : Stay at home for the health of those you care about. Every year on April 7, the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates World Health Day. World Health Day is celebrated to spread awareness about the importance of health. Every year the day has a different theme. It... Continue Reading →

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is taken to hospital for tests over ‘Persistent’ Covid-19 Symptoms

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was hospitalized for testing on Sunday after showing strong symptoms of the coronavirus. On the advice of his doctor, Prime Minister was hospitalized for testing tonight. This is a preventative measure because the Prime Minister continues to experience coronavirus symptoms ten days after testing positive for the virus," Downing Street said.... Continue Reading →

During the pandemic COVID-19 World Health Organization (WHO) releases guidelines to help countries

The COVID-19 pandemic is straining health systems worldwide. The rapidly increasing demand on health facilities and health care workers threatens to leave some health systems overstretched and unable to operate effectively. Previous outbreaks have demonstrated that when health systems are overwhelmed, mortality from vaccine-preventable and other treatable conditions can also increase dramatically. During the 2014-2015... Continue Reading →

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